And despite all the reasons why this might seem like an impossible task, here’s why I believe, come early 2017, I will be a published author: I got one-on-one coaching from a national best selling author, Jeff Goins.
Winning the attention of an influencer can be a game changer for anyone who’s trying to break through resistance and reach their goals. I believe it’s a myth that influencers are hard to reach.
So if you dream of being able to “pick the brain” of an influencer, then try doing what I did. It might work for you.
Choose someone you genuinely respect
I’m very lucky. But I also believe that luck is a combination of grace (unmerited favor) and hard work. No doubt about it. I wouldn’t be writing a book if it weren’t for the help I’ve been given from many mentors, but specifically Jeff. I believe I’ve received Jeff’s advice because I’m lucky and I’ve been working hard to show that I’m all in.
The truth is, in today’s internet landscape, you’re going to come across many mentors who’s vibe and messaging resonate with you.
Be choosy.
Rather than diffusing your scope, zero in on a handful (or less) of people you follow for guidance. At one point in time, I was subscribed to everyone and their uncle. I cleared the clutter and focused on a handful of experts.
Doing this makes advice you receive more potent. Results are a natural out pouring of limiting the input.
Become a student of their work
Take your time getting to know them through their work.
Anytime I have a question that I’d like to pose to Jeff or any other influencer for that matter, I perform a search on their blog or on the internet first. I can usually come up with the answer to my question through watching a video, reading articles or interviews, or listening to podcasts.
If the influencer you’d like to connect with has a book or a service that you can afford, purchase it. If not, check out all the free treasures they’ve buried throughout the internet forrest.
Once you get to a place where you can’t find and answer to the question you have, then it might be time to consider reaching out. But before doing this, I think it’s wise to make a genuine connection.
Make a genuine connection in an unlikely place
Before asking for advice directly from an influencer, it makes sense to develop a relationship first.
Think about it.
Influencers get hundreds of requests a day in the form of email and social media. It’s overwhelming. And when a follower or fan reaches out for advice, of course there’s a desire to help but the sheer volume of requests makes it near impossible.
Connect on a platform that’s social, perhaps one where they’re less followed, and share specifically how their work has changed your life. Be honest, don’t make something up because it will show.
Doing this creates two outcomes. One, it spreads the word about their work and creates more fans for them. And two, it shows that you are tuned in, not needing anything, but willing to give in the form of sharing your experience.
I’d been following Jeff for several years but one day decided to check out what was happening in his world on Instagram. Last year he launched his book, The Art of Work, and had given digital copies away for free. After downloading and reading it as fast as I could, my husband and I both had huge breakthrough’s. Through the book we learned what it means to have multiple callings and to listen to the messages our lives send.
I was so moved by this that I decided to talk about it on Instagram. A relationship was formed.
Be cool & Be a real friend
Be cool. Be yourself and don’t try to force it or fake it.
At this point, if you’ve made a genuine connection because you’re an authentic, non-sleazy type person, you’ll still want to hold off on asking for anything. Real friendships are formed over long periods of time. I can’t image what it would feel like to have people interested in me just to get something from me.
I don’t think I need to tell you how to be a friend but I will quickly point out that even influencers who’ve achieved what you’re working to achieve are normal people with normal likes and a need for genuine connection.
Glorifying a person as a super star is only going to make things awkward and uncomfortable for both of you. So be cool about it.
Forcing things, in any area of life, rarely if ever results in a desirable outcome. Take it easy and relax knowing that if you’re meant to have a lasting professional relationship with this person then you will.
How to ask your “ask”
Now that you’ve become a student of their work, built a genuine connection with them, and have been cool about it, asking for advice can happen naturally.
Going back to my earlier statement, if you have a question that cannot be answered by the resources they’ve already made available then you can take a leap and reach out for support.
Here’s the most important part of about asking for advice or support. As hard as this may sound, even at this point you two don’t really owe each other anything. So if you reach out and don’t hear anything back, it’s nothing personal.
Ask a specific question. Tell them what you’ve already done. Keep it short and sweet. Thank them in advance. Let them know that you understand if they’re too busy to get back to you right away. And tell them that you’re gonna touch base with them again later.
Do what they say, when they say to
Once you hear back from them…do exactly what they say to do when they say to do it. I could have waffled for weeks on the advice that Jeff gave me, but I knew (because he told me) that if I did that, it would be a big mistake.
Why go through all the years of learning and building a relationship only to discount expert insight? As Tim Grahl pointed out at Tribe Conference, “You don’t get to argue.”
Wax on wax off.
When Jeff “suggested” that I do this 30 day project to then write a 30 day devotional, I didn’t question it. When a mentor of mine, Sara, “suggested” that go to a women’s group, I did it. And when a mentor references a book in passing, I don’t view it as a passive recommendation. I choose to view it as direct advice that will help me get to where I’m trying to go.
After all, influencers are influencers for a reason.
Lastly, and most importantly
The greatest gift you can give to someone who’s willing to pour into your life is to transform and show them that their life’s work has profound meaning to another person. Once you’ve done the hard work, report back with results. Become the proof that their work, works. They’ll reward you for it.
And even if it requires more tweaking and adjusting they’ll still be on your side, wanting to help you get a win.
I dare you to reach out to an influencer the right way and get the help your work deserves.
Jeff Dolan says
Great thoughts Brianna! You are in good hands with Jeff and doing the right things.
Brianna Lamberson says
Thanks Jeff! Yes, I believe I am. I’m taking it one step at a time.
Wanda Morris says
This is really good stuff Brianna! Thanks for sharing.
Brianna Lamberson says
Thank you so much Wanda!