Have you ever said to yourself, “I just don’t know where the time goes?” or “I don’t have time to work out or cook dinner?” If you have, then you’re a lot like me and I want to share something with you that I hope will help radically change this.
“For the most important parts of your life, you cannot cram. You cannot make up for lost time or get it back.”
~Andy Stanley
This includes health.
Our time is our most valuable asset hands down. Our time is our life. That’s why I love Daylight Savings Time so much. Maybe it’s trickery but I feel like I get more hours than 24 when we spring forward. It’s awesome. I come alive and I can’t wait to go, go, go. It’s the perfect time to begin again and start something fresh.
But the truth is we don’t get more hours do we? Sucks right? So what do we do with our very limited time? We live on purpose, or at least we aim to.
My purpose for living is to get you to tap into this concept that you have a uniquely Divine Calling on your life. If time is your life then you have a Divine calling on your time. You have millions of Divine appointments in life aka minutes. And yes, you can miss these appointments. Maybe that’s why I started off as a Photographer. Maybe even then in my early years I was obsessed with keeping time.
Photography, unlike any other medium, is all about capturing time and preserving it. In photo there is a term that’s been created to describe this preserving process. It’s called “The Decisive Moment”. Doesn’t that just resonate with you? I mean come on! What this means is that if you don’t act now, right now, not later then you will miss your moment forever. You will never have a second chance at that moment again.
It’s dreadfully sad and beautiful in an emo sort of way but don’t shoot the messenger. OK? I’m not here to judge you or criticize you. I’m just here to point out the truth from one master procrastinator to another.
You were created on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose. But your time is limited just like everyone else. Time is going fast like a hot commodity. Everyone and everything is competing for your time. So I want to ask you, “in light of your past experience, current circumstances, future hopes and dreams, where do you need to begin making consistent deposits of time?” Is it your marriage, your spirituality, your relationships, your health, your finances?
What kind of life do you want to create?
Time = Life.
In my mind, health is where it all starts. If you don’t have the energy to make the most of your time then you’re literally letting your life slip through your fingers. Your health is the fuel to your dreams and purpose. Again, if time is your life then your body is a time travel machine. And you need to guard your time and body with daily deposits of love and attention.
It may all seem so overwhelming to think about, but trust me because I’ve been there, you can make a change. But it’s not going to happen over night. No, it’s going to happen one day at a time; one decision at a time. You can have the kind of health that radiates from your bones just by taking the time to do one loving, healthy action a day.
(A year from now you’ll wish you had started today.)
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