Looking forward to 2022: My goals and dreams for the new year
Here we are at a brand new set of 365 days. It’s like a fresh pack of unopened cards. What can we create with it?
I’m no stranger to goal setting, dreaming, and planning. I’m an avid physical planner and journal user. Every day, I take time to write in my planner. It’s very important for me to physically write these things down in order to make them more implanted in my brain.
Over the years, I’ve used a lot of different planners: Passion Planner, Moleskine, Target planners, and bullet journals. But I finally found one that takes the cake, the Unbound Planner. She’s by far my most favorite planner. And this will be the 3rd year I’m using the Unbound planner.
You can use my code BRIANNA10 to get 10% off your Unbound planner.
Stop, Start, Keep
One of my mentors from the past used to ask our mastermind group: what do you want to start, stop, and keep?
What do you want? Whenever you’re assessing try to think in terms of pruning, planting, and nurturing. For me, I want to stop sitting while working from home. And stop spending so much time on my phone and computer. I want to nurture my physical, mental, and spiritual health as well as my writing. The things I want to add in or plant are more friendships, service, and fun!
What do you want to stop, start, keep?
Here are my goals for this new year
As I shared in the 2021 Recap, Jessica Harumi has inspired me to write a monthly goals blog post. So this is the first of 12. I’m excited and a little nervous to share these so publicly with you. But I believe it will offer some sort of inspiration for you and accountability for me…fingers crossed.
In 2021 I published 48 or 47 videos. My goal for 2022 is to publish 50 or 52 videos on YouTube.
I want to make my content better, more helpful for you, and more engaging. It’s a goal for me to learn how to understand YouTube and my analytics better so that I can grow. In the past, I’ve put numbers around subscriber count, but you know, I’m letting go of that as a metric of success.
I’m also hoping to do more collaborations with other YouTubers. I’m thinking of doing one a month or one collab every other month. Who would you like to see me collaborate with? Overall, I just want to get better and have more fun with it!
Etsy is going to be a big focus for me this year. I want to really understand the platform and how to get more traffic to my store. Taking better product photos, updating listings, retiring old products, making new ones, and learning how to make better products that you guys love.
My goal is to make Etsy my mainstream income instead of brand deals on my YouTube channel. Speaking in terms of numbers, I want to reach 1,000 new customers in the next 90 days. That’s an audacious goal. But that’s what I’m shooting for. Wish me luck!
My ebook “French Capsule Wardrobe” was a huge win for me personally. Being able to pour so much of myself into a project and see it resonate with people made me incredibly happy. I want to create a series of Capsule Wardrobe ebooks, a Closet Clean Out book, a skincare ebook, and perhaps a more personal book about how to embrace a French lifestyle.
The bigger goal with writing ebooks is to eventually publish the books on Kindle Direct Publishing so that these will be physical books! YAY!
And with the blog, you’re reading the start of my goal to write a monthly goals blog post in addition to my weekly blog posts that accompany the weekly YouTube video.
Speaking of the blog…
Something I’ve been putting off for a while now is redesigning my website and moving it from WordPress to Squarespace. This has been a pebble in my shoe since 2020 and it’s a big project hence why I’ve been putting it off. But there’s so much I want to do on the site that will be helpful for you all that it just has to get done!
Send prayers!
Style & Personal Styling
My style goal for this year is to continue to slim down my wardrobe, refine it, and get rid of another 20-50% of what I have while thoughtfully replacing/adding in more specific (perhaps high-end) pieces like a leather shearling bomber jacket and Chanel quilted handbag. A girl can dream. I need to focus on rounding out my basics and undergarments so that my wardrobe is more functional overall.
I’m also very excited to say that I’ve been working on doing more personal styling. Mainly virtual 1-hour sessions on Zoom. But my goal is to start with at least 4 sessions a month. So far in January, I’m already almost fully booked!
Health and wellness
Along with style comes the personal look. The idea of changing my hair has been on my radar for a while now. Growing it out, adding a few highlights, and trying to make it as healthy as possible. I’d also love to get more sunshine this year by being outdoors and change naturally just from being outside more and off my computer.
My body does change the more time I spend outdoors. That’s my experience from the past. So that’s a big deal to me not only for physical health but also mental health. I don’t like to focus on numbers too much because that can a bit demotivating. But in all honesty, I’d like to lose some pandemic body fat 😂 Perhaps lose around 8-10 pounds. This is where I feel my best although I’ve overcome a lot this past year in healing my relationship with food and my body.
I’m also really going to lean into counseling again for the third year in a row. I’m considering forgoing personal counseling to focus on marriage counseling. I feel like I’m in a good place right now and want to shift gears to make my relationship with the love of my life even better.
Physical training is also important to me. Continuing to do my twice-daily walks with my dog Beau, walk over 10k steps a day, and do daily yoga. And now I’m working on adding in weight lifting to help my bone and muscle health. As I’m almost 37 I’m starting to shift my mentality about working out from “looks” to “functionality”. I want to be as mobile and healthy as I age.
Spirituality and relationships
2020 and 2021 disrupted my church attendance. Mike and I had just started going to a new church in the summer of 2019 and by early 2020 we were all virtual. Luckily, the community of the church pulled me through. We kept meeting together online and in person at each other’s homes and outdoors.
But this year, I want to lean into going back to church. I don’t want to miss an in-person gathering. I also want to develop deeper relationships with the women in my community both at church and out of the church. And I can see there is a bit of space opening up at some point to start serving at church. I have a few ideas, but I will keep you posted.
I’ve read the almost entire Bible in non-executive order, but I’ve never read the entire Bible in a year. I tried last year and that didn’t last long! 😂 But now I’m going to start a new reading plan and try for it again.
The older I get the more I realize how important my friendships are to me. A big goal I have for myself this year is to cultivate deeper and more authentic friendships. You know, the kind of friendships where you can just show up unannounced at their house and say hi? The kind of friendships where you can go deep and not only encourage each other but hold one another accountable. This is a rare thing, but this is a strong desire that I have.
Fun and family
I want to have more fun. Plain and simple. As much as I hate to admit it, I don’t really have a lot of fun. I mean it. I’m very boring and tend to be quite a routine junkie and stick to work habits.
This year, I’ve made a list of fun things I’d like to do by myself, with Mike, with friends, and with family. Horseback riding, hiking, visiting great American cities like Boston, D.C., Richmond, Charleston, and more.
My family is really important to me so I want to see them (my grandma is almost 90) as much as possible.
And Mike and I have been tiptoeing around the idea of having kids for a while. This is really personal and if you’ve ever wondered why we don’t have kids yet, then maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll share that with you. But suffice it to say, we’re getting to a place where that might be possible.
I know that’s A LOT but I put it down on paper even though it might not happen all this year. There are several goals in dreams which I haven’t shared with you here but I’m still working towards them.
Viktor Frankl has this amazing quote about aiming for greater than what you’re capable of. Inevitably you’re going to experience drift and resistance and end up off course a little. So if you overshoot, you’ll reach some amazing heights. However, if you play it safe, you’ll still drift and end up even further off course.
I may not get to do any of these things this year or I may do all of them. Only God knows, but I am excited to go for it and see what happens.
Now, I’d love to hear all that you’re dreaming and scheming. What’s one big goal you’d like to achieve in 2022? Let me know in the comments below!
If it’s upgrading your style, can I recommend my ebook (shameless plug) and personal styling with me?
Thanks for all of your support in advance. You are amazing and I’m wishing you lots of energy and success as you reach for your goals and dreams this year.
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